This week we talked about Adam and Eve and why they had to leave the Garden of Eden. For a version of the story similar to the one we read in class you can click here. (Genesis 2-3)
After the story was read, the children worked on re-telling it using either finger puppets, story wheels, or their dramatic skills. Ask your child if they can re-tell the story to you. As they do this, don't correct them if they make errors-- simply listen until they are done (you will hear some very intersting thoughts and interpretations!) If they are having trouble telling you the story in their own words, read them the story again on another day and try again.
This story is a great springboard for conversation: sometimes people will encourage you to do things even though they know it is wrong. How do you handle it? What can you say? Role play some scenerios with your children based on their age-- taking a toy that isn't yours, not allowing someone to play a game with you and your friends, taking drugs-- all these things are wrong, but sometimes we are asked to do them. Talk about strategies and other options.
A fun activity might be to make a snake paper chain. You could write on each of the chains a prolem your child might face, and on the next one a solution.
We hope you and your child enjoy extending your Bible lessons! See you next week for the Tower of Babel!
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